Thursday, August 10, 2006

每一天都是幸福的。。。Happiness in every single day




What is defined as 'Happiness'? Some would say:'so long I don't need to worry about my daily meals, that's happiness.' Some would say:'if I can ever live one more day, that's happiness.' Some would say:'if I can find someone that I love and loves me too, that's happiness.' Some would say:'if I can establish my very own family, be with your lifetime partner till old age, seeing your children to be successful, that's called happiness.' Everyone has their own views and expectations...But as for me, I see 'Happiness' when you really feel it deep inside your heart regardless in what circumstances...(inner feelings is the most crucial part as it reveals the reality and truth) There's no need to make comparison with others as happiness has no standards or patterns.

Cherish and treasure those whom walked into your life...even if they can't be with you forever. At least there're great moments & unforgettable memories which can't be replaced by someone else...

From today onwards, always speak to urself that: 'I have happiness in my life....'

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