Wednesday, October 18, 2006

OPpss...a long break huh!!

OK OK, I admitted that I have been pretty lazy and busy these few weeks...I didn't have time to update my blog. Some photos still stored in my phone, and yet to be transfered out. Will do so this weekend (I hope, haha)

So, what was I doing all these while?? Besides working, eating and sleeping...Hmm, I spent my time with my buddy, sharing about our life experiences, encouraging each other in various areas and karaoke, sight-seeing, watched movies, fellowshipping and etc etc. I have been fully enjoying and cherishing my daily day recently. Everyone is given 24 hours per-day, just think about did you spend your 24 hours?? To all of you out there, live a meaningful life yah!!

We all have entered mid-Oct 2006. 2 months later, we'll be sending off year 2006 and welcoming year 2007. Time really just can't hold it for even a milliseconds, can you? As we enter a brand new day, it also reminds us that our life span is decreased by 1 day...

Come on, Cheer Up...Just a thought of mine. Gee, need to get back to work now...

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