Monday, October 23, 2006

I don't want HOLIDAY leh....

My oh my...How many of you out there longing for a nice long holiday?? Please put a show of hands...1,2,3....Opps, just too many to count. Deep inside my heart, "I Don't Need It Now"...simply because I have no where to go, no one to hangout with...

Eversince I get used to live alone, eat alone, watch movie alone...I don't look forward for any extra holidays unless I have special plans...maybe a short trip, gathering with frens, food hunting etc etc...Gee,am I getting old or what...Life seems like after retirement, kekeke!! Life is sometimes crazy, when I hope for holidays...forever it never comes...When I don't want it, it just comes all the way...

What should I do tonite? how about tomorrow morning? afternoon? night? Boohoohoo...I don't want HOLIDAY leh!!!

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