Monday, October 23, 2006

Movie Hunting, Sight Seeing, Arts & Dance...

Sorry for breaking my promises, I still haven't transfered my photos from my mobile phone yet...Whooh, been very restless lately though...Anyway, life goes on. Last Saturday, I managed to catch this show "The Prestige" in City Square, JB. Well, I would say it's quite a nice movie but don't expect too much...(you get my point rite?) You can go and watch if you are just too boring and dunno what to do (like me...haha!) Hmm, if you are looking forward for great excitement then it's a 'no no' to this movie...

I spent my 2 weekend evenings walking around Marina Bay. Why? There's 'dance' festival going on...I managed to learn some basic steps of 'Bollywood' dance and experienced the 'Line Dance' as well...It's quite fun actually if you go with a group of people! You can do a turn, twist, step forward, step backward, half turn, ramba....boggie a little!! You'll be amazed to see those Auntie's and Uncle's shaking their butt so nicely, hehe!!

I am thinking of picking up some 'dance' in the future...Hmm, Salsa? Jazz? Line Dance? Waltz? Cultural Dance? Ballad? Whewww...I'll let you know when I decide it ok...

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