Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Finally...Pooh Bear proposed to Piglet in a special way!

People involved: Pooh Bear & Piglet
K-lei-feh involved: Pooh Bear's family members
Things involved: Hand-made roses bouquet, Baby Pooh & Baby Piglet, Wedding Bands
Venue: Gallery Hotel

Had Breakfast with Pooh Bear

Chit-chatting with Pooh Bear's sis & bro

Pooh Bear took out this hand-made bouquet from the car boot, very Surprised!! He folded the roses for nearly 2 weeks.

Pooh Bear drove to Gallery Hotel, said meeting his frens for lunch there.

Reached the car park, he asked me to bring along the bouquet. I was kinda relunctant coz a bit shy to do that. But then, he told me there's no lunch with his frens...Just the 2 of us, he booked a hotel room for 1 nite stay and he managed to bring my clothes too!!

Checked-in room. The room is very nice & cozy...the interior design is pretty unique too!!!

After resting for a while, we went out and walked around the nearby places like Clarke Quay, Chinatown Point, Audio House (Had a nice and inexpensive Jap bento at Medi-ya) Reached hotel about 18:30pm. The dinner will be served at 19:00pm

We reached the restaurant...No customer yet, we were served with champagne. Then we decided on our 4 course dinner. It was so quiet the whole nite, just the 2 of us...(as if he reserved the whole restaurant just for me & him alone...haha)

Completed our dinner...walked back to hotel room.

To be continued...


Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my site, it is about the CresceNet, I hope you enjoy. The address is . A hug.

swl said...

Hi gal, It has been so long since your To be continue...

How have your been since the last time we met during Michelle's wedding, we shall catch up more..

Always enjoy ur story =) [Woan Ling]

Anonymous said...

Great work.