Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Evil & Good...

"There's some evil in good people, there's some good in bad people"...once I heard the pastor preached during the Sunday service. Hmm, it really make sense to me that you can't judge with your naked eyes whether whom are the good ones, whom are the bad ones...

The colour "Black" always give people the impression of Evil, Dark, Mysterious...I am black today...from head to toe...Do I look like a bad gal? I hope the inner me won't be overtaken by the outter me! A few quick snaps...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Everyone has a mixture of goodness and darkness inside the heart. It takes not the naked eyes to see but ur heart to feel.. Take time to feel and understand the ppl around u..
U may wear cloths on the outside to cover the inside of you. But a smile is what it takes to show the real u from ur heart.